After many years of buying beach bags, we just couldn't find one that met our needs: large enough to carry everything for a day at the beach or pool; sturdy and durable enough to not tip over and spill everything; and easily cleanable with a quick rinse off. We searched and searched but couldn't find one bag to handle those three things. The BOGG BAG was born! Made in a variety of sizes and colors, the Bogg Bag is the perfect balance of fashion and durability.
What makes the Bogg Bag unique is its patented design, durability, and it's washable! Unlike other totes, the Bogg Bag won't tip over. The bottom won't leak. And at the end of the day, simply hose off your Bogg Bag put it away for your next adventure!
Bogg Bag allows you to have BOTH style AND functionality! This mom-invented tote includes useful features like a plastic zipper pouch insert to secure your personal items like a wallet, car keys, or your cell phone.